Congratulations on your scholarship from the Atkins Educational Foundation!
We are excited to work with you during your college experience. Below we have outlined the expectations for both of our scholarship programs, the Pathway to Success Scholarship and the Merit Scholarship.
As a recipient of the Pathway to Success Scholarship, we expect you to:
Attend your university orientation and our foundation orientation before your first semester
Join and participate in the campus organization of your choice to help you find a community on campus. With university permission, AtkinsEF will cover any associated fees
Meet with a member of the foundation mid-semester to discuss educational and personal progress
Maintain a 2.0 average GPA to avoid losing the scholarship
Commit to attending tutoring if GPA drops below a 2.75 average in order to avoid academic probation
Submit End of Semester Report including final grades, overall GPA, Campus Activity Report, and proof of resubmittal of FAFSA forms and reapplication for other awarded scholarships
As a recipient of the Merit Scholarship, we expect you to:
Attend your university orientation and our foundation orientation before your first semester
Meet with a member of the foundation mid-semester to discuss educational and personal progress
Maintain a 2.0 average GPA to avoid losing scholarship
Submit End of Semester Report including final grades and overall GPA
For mentoring and support, please reach out to our Director of Operations, Amy Barber at abarber@atkinsef.org.